Thursday 23 October 2014

Diwali Candle Holders (Diyas)

This week marks the ancient Hindu festival of light celebrations known as Diwali. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) places considerable emphasis on enhancing children's awareness of other cultures to support their learning and development and at the relatively young age of the children here a good way to do this is through craft activities.

We have used salt dough in the past but never baked it so this was a bit of an experiment! I made two different colours of dough and the children talked about the colours and chose their dough. They played with the dough, rolling it into balls and then flattening it out. We used the candle to make imprints in the dough and then placed it in the oven to bake - this did lead to some confusion as the children thought we were going to then eat the dough!

Once baked the children then set about decorating their candle holders with glitter glue and sequins, enhancing their fine motor skills to create some lovely candle holders. We lit them and talked about the festival of lights. 

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